FAQ Answers

What hardware is supported by Ddr-Z8e?

Ddr-Z8e was developed for the Z8 Encore! XP® F64XX series of microcontrollers. More specifically it was developed using the Z8F642x MCU. Ddr-Z8e consequently supports this as well as any subset configuration thereof.

Where do I start?

Download the latest release here. Unzip the file to a suitable directory. Read the readme.txt file in the root directory of Ddr-Z8e. Take a look at a suitable sample project in the Sample directory to se how the device drivers are used. Read the documentation and source code.

How do I install Ddr-Z8e?

Unzip the downloaded file to a suitable location of your own choice.

How do I include the device drivers in my own project?

Create a ZDS II project the usual way. Include the specific device driver source code files in your project. This usually means the three files module-name.c, module-name_inline.c and module-name.h. A given module often depends on other device driver modules, such as the IO-module. An easy way to figure out what secondary modules are needed in your project is to build the project. Missing modules during build will generate an error, e.g.:

FATAL ERROR (724) --> Symbol _irq_Disable (.\serial.obj) is not defined

This specific case denotes that the IRQ module, used by the SERIAL module, is missing from the project. The project also need a configuration file named configure.h. This file specifies, among other things, which modules to enable, debug level and other module specific settings. There is a well commented configuration file in the root directory of Ddr-Z8e and the reference documentation also provide much information on the subject.

Where can I get support?

The best place, so far, to get support is at the Yahoo Z8 Encore! Group.

Where do I report bugs?

Bug and issue tracking is hosted at SourceForge.net and can be accessed here (registration required).

What is the InlineCodeGenerator?

The InlineCodeGenerator is a perl script (located in the Utility directory) that generates wrapper C-function calls for suitable device driver macros (the majority). These wrappers provide type checking and calling convention checking where as the bare inline C-macros do not. The added checking is useful during development and debugging but also adds extra overhead. Inline macros are for release code and generate tighter and faster code but without protection.


December 1, 2009
Released Ddr-Z8e